Modern physics tell us that life is energy, and this includes our emotions. Emotions are energy and they can be affected by the emotions of other people. For example, most of us have had the experience of feeling good until coming in contact with a person who is upset. Soon we start to feel tense or anxious. Grounding to release unwanted emotions can be very helpful at times like this.
Some of us are more affected by other people’s energy than others, but all of us at one time or another will find ourselves caught up in someone else’s energy.
While being influenced by others is a fact of life, you don’t need to continue experiencing the effects of someone else’s energy. You can use meditation to release any undesired emotional energy.
When to Use This Technique
Use this meditation anytime you experience negative emotions in your environment.
Why it Works
This meditation shows you how to redirect your attention and let go of any energy you don’t want. Doing this meditation will also remind you that you can assist yourself in any situation
The Technique
- Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes and relax.
- Place your attention on your breath. Try to breathe from your stomach, rather than from your chest. Observe your abdomen as it rises and falls.
- If you have trouble doing this, place your hand on your belly and observe the movement of your belly against your hand. Continue to relax.
- During inhalation, imagine your breath slowly moving down your body until it reaches your toes.
- During exhalation, imagine your breath moving up from your toes and through your body until you breathe it out.
- Continue to breathe and stay relaxed.
- Then with each inhalation and exhalation, imagine the energy around your tailbone extending into the earth.
Allow the earth to absorb the negative energy. The earth readily absorbs energy and reuses it in a positive way.
Feel yourself becoming more grounded and free of the unwanted energy
- If you have trouble doing this, just continue to practice. In time, you’ll become more aware of the energy flow and release of unwanted energy.
- Allow your muscles to relax. Feel the weight of your body as you relax. Be sure to continue breathing.
- Feel the calmness that comes from breathing.
- If any negative emotions appear, imagine them flowing from your body into the earth.
- Emotions are like thoughts, sensations, and feelings in that they aren’t permanent. Emotions have no power of their own. Emotions gain any power in our lives simply by the attention we give them.
- Emotions come and go. Simply observe the negative emotions that arise. Don’t engage with them. Stay with the emotions as an observer.
- Observe how any negative emotions will fade away automatically.
- Place your attention on the sensation of the energy that anchors you firmly to the earth.
- Enjoy the pleasurable sensations that arise from experiencing this energy and the body when it is grounded and centered.
- As you become more aware of the energy flowing within you, try extending this energy even deeper into the earth as well as throughout your body.
If you have trouble detecting this energy, just continue to practice by focusing your awareness on your experience. Your awareness of energy will increase when you allow yourself to give up the effort, and also when you don’t engage with your thoughts.
What We Learned Today
Like everything in the world, we are energy. Our thoughts and emotions are expressions of energy. When we can increase our awareness of energy, through the use of our breath, we can release any emotional energy that isn’t of benefit to us.
Here is a 10 minute audio of a different kind of grounding practice, which starts with a quick muscle relaxation.
A Question that Sometimes Comes Up Is
I was unable to experience energy. What can I do?
Don’t be concerned if you are unable to detect energy. Your mind is preoccupied with your thoughts, and this is blocking your awareness of energy.
Continue to practice this meditation and accept your experience without judgment. Continue to focus on your breath. This will help still your mind, which will enhance your ability to experience energy.
As your mind calms, you’ll learn to experience the energy within you.
To your health,
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