Movement Based Meditation

Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn't need to be carried out sitting perfectly still in the lotus position. This is especially true of Movement Meditation which simply put, is meditation while moving. More specifically, it is moving while being minutely aware of the movements of the body (i.e. how the legs feels when tensing) and the outside elements occurring in tandem with those movements (i.e. the smells of the air, the sound of your feet hitting the pavement).

Ideal for people with energetic bodies and spirits who grow restless while sitting still, movement meditation provides the body with a physical outlet for its energy while at the same time stimulating circulation. It is commonly practiced through walking meditation, an activity that releases tension while at the same time creating a calm mind.

It is also commonly practiced by walking a labyrinth or practicing mindfulness during Tโ€™ai Chi or Yoga. Even a routine trip to the gym can be a great time to practice movement based mindfulness!

Please see below for articles on these topics as well as further instructions and information on Movement Based Meditations including the traditional Buddhist Walking Meditation.

Wherever your path may take you, movement based meditation is a useful tool for calming your mind while on the go.

Movement Based Meditation Articles: